05 January 2024
Our Zero Trust Storage™ is based on the Zero Trust Architecture and used in several NIST projects for Data Integrity, Data Confidentiality, and protection of Industrial Control Systems including robotics and audit systems. This security is enforced by hardware so it cannot be bypassed. It is used by NCCoE SP 1800-25 & 1800-11 for “Protection and Recovery from Ransomware and other Destructive Events”.
Secure Private Customer owned and controlled Zero Trust Storage secures data for on-prem or hosted systems, and in private or hybrid AWS, Azure, Google and other cloud providers. Eliminates expensive data download costs. Implements simple browser-based web access with encryption/decryption protection from any device anywhere for financial transactions, video, digital evidence, permanent records, industrial control systems, voting machines and other secure data. Solves chain-of-custody issues. Provides the ability to deliver ORIGINAL DIGITAL DATA when needed for records retention or digital evidence in court.