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Secure Your World with Zero Trust Storage™ Technologies & Devices

05 August 2022

GreenTec Zero Trust Devices™ are used as the secure storage on four best practice projects with the NIST NCCoE for “Data Integrity and Protection from Ransomware and other Destructive Events”, “Data Confidentiality” and “Protecting Information and System Integrity in Industrial Control System Environments”.
  • ForceFieldZTS™ Automatically protect each written data block in real-time. Prevents disclosure, sabotage, manipulation, deletion and Ransomware.  The secure storage used for the NIST Data Integrity (DI) and Data Confidentiality (DC) standards and for Industrial Control Systems (ICS).
  • WORMdisk™ ZTS™ Protected data on conventional file systems is secure from Ransomware, unauthorized or accidental deletion or re-formatting. Cannot be held hostage with RansomWare viruses.
GreenTec’s unique secure ForceFieldand WORMdisk™ provides data protection at the hardware device level against:
  • Unauthorized data modification
  • Data Deletion and data loss
  • Ransomware attacks
  • Data Exfiltration
  • Device Re-formatting
  • Firmware viruses and modification
  • Insider threats
  • Human error and
  • Other cyber-threats that may sabotage or manipulate data

Secure Cyber Solutions

Secure Private Customer owned and controlled Zero Trust Storage secures data for on-prem or hosted systems, and in private or hybrid AWS, Azure, Google and other cloud providers. Eliminates expensive data download costs. Implements simple browser-based web access with encryption/decryption protection from any device anywhere for financial transactions, video, digital evidence, permanent records, industrial control systems, voting machines and other secure data. Solves chain-of-custody issues. Provides the ability to deliver ORIGINAL DIGITAL DATA when needed for records retention or digital evidence in court.

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